8 Lessons Learned:

Benefits of Christian Education Training

Christian education strives to empower one with those values that enable you to live in a holistic environment since it offers one not only the biblical teachings but also how you can embrace harmonious living in society. These teachings show how one should live their lives per the Mosaic laws handed down to Moses at Mount Sinai. Such law comprises the ten commandments, which act as a guideline that governs one’s Christian life. The bible as a whole is full of lessons one can learn from the stories of the various lives mentioned in it. It is for this reason why the bible can transform one’s life for the better. Here are some of the benefits associated with having undergone Christian education training.
One is that as a Christian, you are a child of God, which is why, being a good child, you need to know what is expected of you by God, the Father. It is for this reason why, as a Christian, you need to learn the ways of Jesus, the son, who was sent to earth in flesh and blood to save the world. As a Christian, your main objective should be to emulate the kind of life Jesus lived while down here on earth as it provides a perfect illustration of how a true believer in Christ should lead their lives while in the world. What better way to learn more about Christ and how he lived his life if not by enrolling in the Christian education program for its through this training that you will get to understand more about Christ.
Next is that Christian education training imparts in one the values needed by one to be able to lead a righteous life both before man and God. It is crucial for one not only to be at peace with God while at war with the ruler of the land, for this is not what the bible teaches. The bible teaches that one should be in harmony before the eyes of God and man hence the teaching where Christ talked of giving Caesar what belongs to Caesar and God what belongs to God. What this teaching meant was that you should obey the rulers for leaders who are appointed by God while still staying true to the word of God. Such is because going against the rulers of the land would only amount to disobedience, which contravenes the teachings of the bible.
Lastly is getting to know God’s promise to His Children. It is through Christian education that one gets to learn of God’s promise to you. In the last book in the bible called Revelation, God promises those faithful to His teaching of life after death. Believers are promised that on the final day, there will be a trumpet sounded, and it will only be heard by those who kept Christ’s teachings. It is here that the dead will be resurrected and given wings to fly high above to heaven, which the bible refers to as a land overflowing with milk and honey.

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