Noteworthy Facts About Raised Toilet Seats
The toilet is something that most people use without any difficulties. Sadly, millions of people also have difficulty functioning on a physical level. A raised toilet seat is one of the best solutions for such a problem among millions of people.
A lot of people can benefit from the use of raised toilet seats. These seats are a major quality of life investment for many people. When it comes to mobility, many people, especially the able-bodied ones, take it for granted. The use of raised seats, however, gives back the less mobile individuals their independence.
There are certain people who can benefit from the use of raised toilet seats. These toilet seats often benefit people who have just undergone operation, the elderly, and those with disabilities. Raised toilet seats are essentially plastic molding that you set over your toilet bowl. You can get a range of features from each of these models. Either way, the main point of having these seats is to provide assistance for individuals who have difficulties using the toilet.
Buying a raised toilet seat for yourself or your loved one with mobility difficulties can benefit you in more ways than one. Closeness, for instance, is one of the benefits that these toilet seats offer. Most raised seats give you between 3 and 6 inches of occupied space. Whether standing or sitting, the user will not be far from the toilet already. This closeness avoids any instances of being off-balanced or tumbling down. Most raised toilet seats also come with larger widths that can accommodate individuals who are larger. A larger width means a larger surface area just in case the user will be misaligned while sitting down the toilet.
When it comes to individuals who have issues with mobility, they rely on the help of others or their caregivers. Millions of caregivers are hired for their help. The weight of the average adult is 83.6 kg. This makes it necessary for caregivers to be exerting their efforts in lifting their clients off and up the toilet. With the extra space in raised toilet seats, less force is required to help clients. In terms of safety, both the client and the caregiver will not have to worry about it through the use of these seats. The caregiver can provide stabilization to their clients once they get up.
The addition of arm supports is also possible with the use of raised toilet seats. Through additional lift supports, people who are weak from age, recent surgeries, or disabilities can use the toilet better. The use of arm supports can offer people who don’t have caregivers to help them the independence that they require to use the toilet.
Lastly, it is very much possible for you to get extra comfort and security features from the raised toilet seat models that you choose. These include padding, splash guards, straps, and backrests.